A teacher of mine once said that psychology students tend to be unsatisfied with themselves, political science students with their societies. Anthropology students on the other hand, with both themselves and their societies.
My academic move has gone from political science to middle eastern studies with a focus on religious history/sociology. What does that imply?
A dissatisfaction with my (Swedish) society and a loss of faith in secular Utopias which has lead to a search in eastern traditions instead. Perhaps. It's not that far fetched.
For the last two years I've been studying the middle east from books in every possible perspective: Geography, literature, religion, media, politics & economy, ethnology... In a month I touch down on Egyptian soil in order to try and convert all those books into real knowledge.
Two years in Qena will definitely have an impact on me and my family who are traveling with me but in what way, I have no idea. We're going up the river into the heart of what?
My academic move has gone from political science to middle eastern studies with a focus on religious history/sociology. What does that imply?
A dissatisfaction with my (Swedish) society and a loss of faith in secular Utopias which has lead to a search in eastern traditions instead. Perhaps. It's not that far fetched.
For the last two years I've been studying the middle east from books in every possible perspective: Geography, literature, religion, media, politics & economy, ethnology... In a month I touch down on Egyptian soil in order to try and convert all those books into real knowledge.
Two years in Qena will definitely have an impact on me and my family who are traveling with me but in what way, I have no idea. We're going up the river into the heart of what?
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